Therapeutic Groups

& Workshops

Group therapy is an opportunity to have deeper and more fulfilling relationships with ourselves and others.

Join us for these

Group & Workshop Opportunities

You are not alone.

  • Family of Origin -Somatic Psychotherapy Group

    Do you compare yourself to others?  Feel less than or better than others? Do you get emotionally injured by people or stay so distant that no one can get close to you? Do you often have big reactions to things happening in your life and are not sure why this is happening? Do you use things or people to fill emptiness or to avoid what you really need? Do you struggle asking for help? Do you live in extremes? If you answered yes to these questions, you likely struggle with living in a trauma reaction in relation to your childhood wounding. We can help you get a functional adult on board and start to reparent the wounded parts of yourself. 

    The impact of a less than nurturing childhood can show up as Depression, anxiety, substance use, workaholism, chronic pain, eating disorders, perfectionism, sex addiction and codependency. 

    In this group, we will teach you how to better understand the impact of developmental/relational trauma on your current life and adult relationships. 

    Our goal is to help you live more fully in your functional adult self. This can look like:

    • Holding your worth

    • Expressing  your truth in a respectful and authentic way 

    • Making contact with emotions in your body & feeling them

    • Taking care of your needs and wants and being interdependent 

    • Experiencing moderation

    In this 10-week group, we will teach you how to use Pia Mellody’s developmental immaturity model to help you reparent your wounded parts. This group is educational and experiential. We will be creating a safe container to explore and release stuck or blocked emotions held within the body. Group connectedness is a powerful opportunity to shift early dysfunctional intrapersonal and interpersonal relating.

    Join this small group of your peers led by: Brandi Conaway, LCSW-C & Jackie Dressel, LCPC

  • Family of Origin Intensive Workshop

    This workshop is an opportunity for you to acknowledge what it was like to grow up in your family, to nurture the parts of you that have been wounded, and to detox toxic emotions that you have been carrying for others. We will support you in doing this work from your functional adult self.

    This work will be done in three parts during a three-day process.

    Debriefing-where your childhood experience gets acknowledged and witnessed.

    Inner child-where you meet the wounded and protective parts of yourself and create a more nurturing relationship with yourself.

    Feeling reduction-Where you get to detox toxic emotions that you have been carrying for caregivers. 

    *Completion of the family of origin somatic psychotherapy group is recommended to support getting the most out of this process. 

    Grow in this intimate group of 3-4 of your peers led by: Brandi Conaway, LCSW-C & Jackie Dressel, LCPC

  • Adult Interpersonal Process Group - Growth Through Relationships

    Relational Process Group

    Do you feel lonely, disconnected and dissatisfied in your relationships? Is it hard for you to feel close to others without the fear of being hurt? Or do you jump straight into a relationship and feel yourself getting sucked in? Do you wish you had the skills to be able to relate with authenticity, staying in connection to who you are at your core?

    Interpersonal group therapy is an opportunity to have deeper and more fulfilling relationship with ourselves and others. Through the group process, members can understand and heal attachment patterns, strengthen relational abilities and deepen self-awareness.

    Join this small group of 6-8 of your peers

    Led by: Jackie Dressel, LCPC

“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.”

— Caroline Myss